Welcome to our membership page!
We are thrilled to have you join our community of gardeners.
There are three easy ways to become a member:
Fill in the online form and submit payment by e-transfer or PayPal.
Print out the downladable form and mail it with payment to: Membership Waterloo Gardener, 423 Lakeview Drive, Waterloo ON N2L 5M6.
Save a dollar on membership and bring the filled-in form to an in-person event (we have forms at the meeting too) and pay in cash for your membership.
We offer two types of membership:
Adult Membership
1 Adult Membership includes one adult
and all junior gardeners under 18 at the same address.
Family Membership
2 Adults Membership includes two adults
and all junior gardeners under 18 at the same address.
Memberships like yours have kept the Society alive since 1895. We appreciate you!
Please choose from the options below:
$15 for a NEW Adult Membership

$15 for a RENEWAL Adult Membership

$25 for a NEW Family Membership

$25 for a RENEWAL Family Membership

Interact Money Transfer
$15 for Adult Membership
$25 for Family Membership
Interac e-transfer:
waterloogardeners@gmail.com in the recipient email address.
Please indicate the purpose of the payment ie Membership and please include your email address, name and telephone number.